
Take care of the sense and the sounds will take care of themselves. (L. Carroll)

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I live in Perugia, Umbria, Italy. I graduated from the University of Rome with a degree in Electronic Engineering (final grade = 110/110 cum laude). Most of my previous experience is as a regular contributor to several Italian technical magazines specialized in Audio/MIDI ("MIDI Songs", "Cubase Magazine", "CM2", "Now Making Music"). My published articles include tutorials about music software, product tests, keyboard and software reviews. I am a member of the Italian Journalists Association - Umbria ("Ordine dei giornalisti dell'Umbria - Albo dei pubblicisti"). I had the chance to get some hands-on experience of computer programming, developing Windows desktop applications with Borland Delphi 7 Pro / Lazarus Free Pascal and Microsoft Visual C# 2005/2008 (and now Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition). I also created and updated dynamic websites with Perl or PHP + MySQL. As a translator, I mostly specialize in software translations (such as user manuals, graphical user interfaces and help files) and manuals of electronic equipment and musical instruments. I am registered for Value Added Tax, having a VAT registration number (VAT code). My personal interests include playing the piano and some MIDI keyboards (Yamaha Tyros 4, PSR-E423, Yamaha Portable Grand NP-30, Piaggero NP-V80, CASIO CTK 671, CASIO WK-7600, Roland D-70), drawing and reading.




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"Take care of the sense and the sounds will take care of themselves."

Lewis Carroll

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